The Bryan Kids 2014

The Bryan Kids 2014

Monday, April 9, 2012

For the love of God....

   This morning, I was running late for the preschool drop off.  Common theme with me, but today, I was running a little more behind than normal.  It was the first day back after Spring Break, and we were totally out of our routine.  We load into the car, and start off towards the school.  The kids are chatting back and forth, and I am drinking a Diet Coke.  I didn't even take the time to make coffee.  I think we can all relate to the fact that driving can cause any adult to have a slight case of Tourette's syndrome.  I have tried to watch myself as the children have gotten older, but this morning, a wood chipper truck was determined to stay in front of me, no matter how many times I changed lanes.  The first time, was annoying.  The second time, ticked me off.  The third time, I was wishing for a rocket launcher, and I let out a loud "For the love of God!!"  Colin pipes up from the back seat.  "What did you say Mommy?  What does that mean?"  Me "Well Colin, Mommy was asking God to help her...because she needed him to move that truck."  Colin "Oh, Ok Mommy."  Ahhhh...nice save by the mommy.  I am just glad that I said that, instead of something creative and profane. Those are much more difficult to explain away.  Once again, a reminder that they are always listening to what we say :)


  1. My daughter was maybe 9 months old when she began (unexpectedly) repeating my expletives. I had to clean up my language in a hurry.

    Now she's a teen and I still try to watch my language. But traffic, man...

  2. My son has repeated some of my colorful language in the past as well. In fact, he called the cat "damn cat" several times for obvious reasons. I can control my tongue most of the time, but I think the car brings out the worst in me frequently.

  3. Coleton said he was "pi**ed out" the other night instead of "pi**ed off." I was very amused and then instantly ashamed of myself because I am sure he heard that from me :)

    1. It is hilarious for about 5 minutes until you remember you are to blame :) Hard to hear those things come back at you. And it makes you realize why our moms said such ridiculous things to keep from cursing...

    2. Per Bill Cosby - He thought his parents were idiots because they couldn't complete a sentence for all the editing.
